Best Freezers of 2021 | Saville

2021-11-10 04:04:56 By : Mr. Zhenghai Ge

An extra kitchen is more than just pulling its weight.

Katherine Russell | posted 1:33 AM, November 6, 2021

Imagine this: you bought cheap organic chicken breasts at your local butcher's shop, or you eat too much mother's very good red sauce. You pack everything in a zipper bag or food container, then open the freezer compartment of the refrigerator and find that there is no space inside. compression. There are homemade ice cream from last week, ice cubes for iced martinis, crumbled bread preserved for new French toast recipes (or croutons or fillings), some leftover vegetables waiting to be stocked, and even some repeatable Use a squishy freezer pack for emergency and bruises, but there is no other space. 

If you have ever felt frustrated by lack of freezer space, then you are a good partner. Most of us are cooking and baking at home more recently than before, so we prepared food, staple food and leftovers, plus, plus, plus. If it's not in the refrigerator, where are everything kept? 

Hannah Kirshner is a writer, artist, food stylist, and author of Water, Woods & Wild Things, and she knows the value of having extra freezer space. "I grew up on a small farm outside of Seattle," she recalled, "so we had an upright freezer. You know, it looked like a refrigerator. It was always filled with meat and vegetables from our farm— There are also popsicles." 

Valery Lomas, a baker by lawyer and author of "Life Is What You Bake", also has a big impact on the extra refrigerator, even though she now has no space in her kitchen. "My mom has an extra refrigerator and freezer... which makes a lot of sense," she said. "If you have enough space, [you can] buy in bulk for your family. People hunt and fish, and use things like the shrimp season." What is Lomas's own thoughts on the best use of the freezer? "That is the house of my dreams, a freezer. I only put butter in it." 

Caleb Schwin, a product expert at Kelly's Home Center, said: "Refrigerators are probably the simplest device in the industry. They haven't changed, they have hardly changed in the past 35 years." Kelly's Home Center is a family business that has been in Oregon since 1974. An agency in the state, before Amazon, even before companies like Home Depot. During that time, the basic principles remained the same: there was an insulated box with a lid or door, and an electric condenser to keep the air cool. "It keeps the temperature," he said. That's pretty much it. 

There are two basic styles of box freezers on the market: box freezers, with the lid lifted upwards; and upright or upright as Kirshner refers to. As she said, it looks a lot like a refrigerator, but only has one door. And a purpose. Which style is best for you, "is more of an aesthetic factor," Schwing added, depending on how you want to organize the content and the size of the freezer compartment.

Schwin added that most freezers, regardless of the previous brand name, are actually made by only a few manufacturers. Behind every brand you see (a well-known brand, budget brand or other brand) is a refrigerated motor manufactured by one of the very few companies. So don’t just be swayed by the brand name; instead, look for the style, structure, and function that suits your needs. 

Due to the scale and commitment, this may be the one you want to buy at a local electrical distributor. To make a comparison between coast and coast, we compared the prices of Kelly and Gringer & Sons Appliances (another family business) in New York with the prices offered online. The prices in local stores are comparable to what you see online, because let's face it, they all compete in the same market. In addition, most local stores also provide delivery services.

Whether you are buying online or viewing a freezer in a physical store, you should consider some basic characteristics, including the thickness of the wall (usually the thicker the better); the flexibility, durability and adhesion of the gasket that seals the door or lid; The degree and ease of closing and keeping the door or lid closed; and whether the exterior finish suits your style.

After that, look for extras, such as whether the door or lid opens automatically for convenience, or whether there is a kick plate to open the door without hands. These are only available on higher-priced models. Then consider all internal organization options, baskets, etc. 

For a device that is mainly a large insulated box, it has only one job-keeping it cold-that's it. These are the best freezers we found online.

Storage space: The practical capacity of the freezer in the real world depends on the items you will store in it and your ability to organize and track all items. The standing style usually has sliding drawers and shelves on the door, just like a refrigerator, while the chest style usually has a suitable basket as an accessory. In addition, you can add finishing equipment to the chest or standing position to help make items easier to access and view.

Drawers and dividers: Chest freezers are usually equipped with one or more suitable basket inserts made of solid plastic or coated wire, and you can sometimes order extras from the dealer. You can also adjust other storage and organization options for the freezer: liftable canvas shopping bags, stackable trash cans, and even bundled grocery bags or cardboard boxes, all for use in a pinch. It's all about maintaining "likes and liking" and ensuring that everything is visible and easy to handle.

Temperature: The refrigerator—whether integrated with the refrigerator or standalone—should be kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit and never higher than Fahrenheit. Many appliances have built-in temperature readings, but these sensors may fail silently, so it is worth investing in a simple manual refrigerator/freezer thermometer that allows you to check the internal temperature carefully. It’s always a good idea to check the temperature occasionally, because a refrigerator or freezer that is not keeping the temperature is always the first sign that the door is not properly sealed, someone forgot to close the door, or the equipment needs repairs. It’s better to be safe than regretful-those homemade freezers Dumplings are as valuable as gold. 

Energy efficiency: The chest style will be a little more efficient than the standing style. This is a simple scientific problem: the cold air naturally drops, so opening the refrigerator from the top will not allow too much cold air to escape, because the coldest air is at the bottom of the freezer. But opening the freezer door swinging from the front will make it easier for cold air to escape. The kWh/yr (kWh per year) used by a box freezer varies from approximately 150 to 450, but this depends largely on its size and how often the doors are opened. Once you have decided on the model, the numerous resources on can help you determine whether the brand and style you want is suitable for your energy footprint.

First, we need to understand how and why frost forms in the freezer. When the freezer compartment door is opened, warm air flows in from the room, and cold air flows out from the freezer compartment. This imbalance causes frost in the freezer. Therefore, when the door is opened, or when the gasket does not properly seal around the door, frost may form inside the refrigerator. The automatic defrost function will compensate for the unbalanced temperature with extra cooling air, but honestly, as long as you don’t stand with the freezer door open (one of the things your mother warns you not to do), chance frost will not be A general question. Of course, all freezers can be defrosted when closed, and the box freezer has a drain at the bottom of the freezer. Once a year or once a season, depending on your storage capacity, plan to empty the refrigerator and allow it to thaw completely, then clean the interior, refreeze and restock.

With an area of ​​less than a yard wide and a large capacity, this is an ideal entry-level freezer because it does not take up a lot of space. It has a lid that stays open, so you won't get stuck when choosing, and comes with two top baskets. It also provides temperature control, which some people find useful when the refrigerator is located in a colder or warmer part of the house.

If you have enough space, this refrigerator provides excellent internal storage space, but there is no auxiliary lid or extra basket. If you want to store a large amount of meat or staple food that does not need to be accessed frequently, consider using a larger size.

This smaller horizontal freezer is only a basic model, equipped with a basket and suitable internal space, enough to hold extra bread or extra ice cream bucket.

This box freezer bills itself as "garage ready". This is a question worth considering, because some manufacturers will think that placing the refrigerator "outdoor" violates the warranty. However, in actual use, it is completely safe and reasonable to put the refrigerator in the basement or garage, because the temperature there is usually lower, as long as the temperature there is not really extreme. Household refrigerators and freezers are not designed to work reliably at extreme temperatures.

This sturdy vertical (vertical) freezer is simple and inexpensive, but still has easy-to-organize features, including shelves on the door and shelves in the freezer compartment. Although the efficiency of a vertical refrigerator is slightly lower than that of a horizontal freezer, its smaller footprint may help in a small space.

This is an excellent freezer that can be used for specific purposes in a small space, such as storing frozen food in a dormitory or office, or for people who need to store medicines at low temperatures. It is perfect if you have extra countertop space. When using a dry erase marker, its glass door can even double as a message board. However, if it is destined to be placed on the floor, the small vertical freezer will have the same footprint, more internal storage space, and just be more expensive. 

Digital readings and automatic sensors are great, but nothing can compare to an ordinary old thermometer. Just hang one (they hang) close to the center of the refrigerator and freezer to confirm at a glance that the food is kept at a safe temperature.

Box freezers are actually quite effective, partly because they only use energy to do one thing, and because we don't open and close them as frequently as refrigerators. 

Yes, most household freezers are designed to plug into a standard household AC power outlet. Commercial freezer is another matter, but domestic freezer is plug and play. In other words, there are some box freezers that are specifically designed to operate on DC (12 or 24 volts) from the car's cigarette lighter. If you are in a remote area, off the grid or need it, you can easily use solar energy (even golf cart batteries!)

The two biggest things to watch out for in a freezer (or refrigerator, for that matter) are food spills and leaks, or if the door is open or ajar. By ensuring that all items entering the freezer are properly sealed or capped, such small crises can be avoided in advance. As for the half-open door, some newer and higher-end appliances will warn when the door is opened. If the door gasket of the box freezer is not sealed, or the bread bag or other wrong packaging obstructs the sealing, air leakage will cause frosting, so the freezer needs to be thoroughly defrosted. 

Once you have a refrigerator, you will find it easy to fill, whether you store it with butter or seasonal products. Once you decide that you need one, you will want to choose the reefer that best suits your needs. Their work efficiency is very high, the price is not expensive, and whether it is chest or vertical, its floor space is smaller than standard refrigerators. The cabinet refrigerator can even double as a counter or work space when closed, or it can be completely covered with utility (maybe a large cutting board) or decoration (fabric that matches the room). You will be happy to know that frozen peas are easy to find because they are not buried behind those extra coffee beans bags you sell. 

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